10 IT Support & Helpdesk jobs in Leicester

Job title | Company |
Middleweight Web Developer | Reach Marketing Communications |
Head of Operations / General Manager | Recruitment Revolution |
Junior/Grad Full Stack Developer | Avanti Recruitment |
Oracle Developer | Rise Technical Recruitment |
Data Scientist | The Wilf Ward Family Trust |
Value Stream Analyst | Iris Recruitment |
Head of Data and Technology | Youth Sport Trust |
Insights Analyst | bpha |
Portfolio Analyst | Iris Recruitment |
Quality Lead | Iris Recruitment |
You can find Support Engineer salaries in Leicester here.
How many Support Engineer jobs are in Leicester?
Currently, there are 10 Support openings. Check also: JIRA jobs, Confluence jobs, Linux jobs, ICT jobs - all with salary brackets.
Is Leicester a good city for Support Engineers?
Even though Leicester is not the main tech hub in the UK. You can still find some interesting Support jobs here.
Which companies are hiring for Support Engineer jobs in Leicester?
Reach Marketing Communications, Recruitment Revolution, Avanti Recruitment, Rise Technical Recruitment, The Wilf Ward Family Trust, Iris Recruitment, Youth Sport Trust among others, are currently hiring for Support roles in Leicester.
The company with most openings is Iris Recruitment as they are hiring for 3 different Support Engineer jobs in Leicester. They are probably quite committed to find good Support Engineers.
The company with most openings is Iris Recruitment as they are hiring for 3 different Support Engineer jobs in Leicester. They are probably quite committed to find good Support Engineers.